Links of Interest
Web Sites and other Links of Interest
Local Cleveland and Ohio Sites of Interest
This site contains news of interest on all ethinic groups in Cleveland. This page has Japanese events of interest, but the main site lists all groups to pick from
MotivAsians – Cleveland. Professional Development • Social Networking • Community Service.
Organization of young professionals that aims to build a strong community to attract and retain Asian Pacific Americans to the greater Cleveland area.

JASCO – The Japan American Society of Central Ohio – Columbus
Part of a national organization, this local chapter group supports the local Japanese and Japanese American community around Columbus with many cultural and educational opportunities throughout the year

Cleveland Japanese American Foundation
This local organization was founded in 1969 to provide scholarships for Japanese American high school students to continue their education either vocationally or in college. An annual community picnic raises funds and awards scholarships each year.

National Sites
Japanese American Citizens League
The Japanese American National Museum
The Japanese American National Museum is the largest museum in the United States dedicated to sharing the experience of Americans of Japanese ancestry. The founding of the Museum is a story of high hopes, remarkable achievements, frustration, and ultimately, success. Like the saga of generations of Japanese Americans, it is a story of tenacity.

A More Perfect Union (Japanese Americans and the Constitution)
Online Exhibition
During the opening months of World War II, nearly 120,000 Americans of Japanese ancestry—two-thirds of them U.S. citizens—were forced by the government to leave their homes and move into detention camps. A More Perfect Union: Japanese Americans and the U.S. Constitution traces the history of Japanese American confinement from immigration in the late 19th century to court cases and redress that came more than 40 years after the camps closed in 1946. The central theme—the frailty of individual rights balanced with the need for national security in times of international crisis—is relevant in every era.
Densho – Japanese-American Incarceration During WWII
After the bombing of Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, President Franklin Roosevelt cited military necessity as the basis for incarcerating over 120,000 Japanese Americans during World War II. Decades later, a congressional commission found that justification to be false. Click through for a series of short videos and essays about the true reasons for this unprecedented denial of civil liberties and why it still matters today.
The Go For Broke National Education Center designed and built the Go For Broke Monument, the first of its kind in the mainland United States to commemorate the heroic role of the segregated Japanese American units of World War II, including the 100th Infantry Battalion, 442nd Regimental Combat Team, Military Intelligence Service, 522nd Field Artillery Battalion, 232nd Combat Engineer Company, and the 1399th Engineer Construction Battalion.

Japanese American Veteran’s Association
The Japanese American Veterans’ Association, Inc. (JAVA), is a fraternal and educational organization with many purposes: Preserving and strengthening comradeship among its members; Perpetuating the memory and history of our departed comrades; Educating the American public on the Japanese American experience during WWII; and Striving to obtain for veterans the full benefit of their entitlements as veterans.

National Association of Japan-American Societies
The Columbus chapter is part of this national organization.
The mission of the National Association of Japan-America Societies is to strengthen cooperation and understanding between the peoples of Japan and the United States by providing programs, services, and information to and facilitating cooperation among its member societies throughout North America.